Thursday, March 16, 2006

which one better?!

this is w550i...
this is w810i....

ermmmmm.. which one better lerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?????


Found out something... mayb my "ming kak" nt suit to use nokia phone... why???

because... so far... i had bought 4 phone...

1st one.. is sony ge..

2nd one.. is nokia ge...

3rd one.. is LG ge...

and the 4th.. oso nokia ge..

n why nt suit ler...

because... both of the nokia phone oso will gone at the end ge...

1st nokia phone is 6510.. then when i bought the LG phone.. n my mom gone.. then the phone had give to my mom.. but.. my mom don know put where.. n its dissapear like tat...

the 2nd.. nokia.. 7610 oso kena rampas aledi.....

then now i only left the sony n LG phone... izit... really "ming kak siong chong" with nokia style de phone?????

1 comment:

Shop-A-Holic said...

hehehe... end up with w800i loo..