Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Still have three weeks.. already chinese new year... so fast...
chat with fei pin and kwei jz nw in phone..
the last time i met with kwei is 31st Dec.. almost one month..
since everyone start their life with work... boyfren.. study.. we seldom met up like last time..
hanging around in school.. shopping complex... bowling.. chit chat... mahjong in ypeng house.. cooking in skwan house.. movie... shopping...
Almost two years i start working.. n getting lesser n lesser contact with them.. everyone is bz.. bz bz bz... for study.. for work.. for their own future...
hope everyone of u is doing well and having a good life.. or at least.. happy for what u guys is doing..
really had a long time dint look for kwei.. altho we only stay in kepong.. which is opposite the main road..
i miss my study life.. secondary.. college..
many things had happen in these years... wrong or rite... happy or nt happy.. argue or nt argue.. and we have go thru these till now...
and... today.. this time... 11:47pm.. i really miss you guys... all of u..
kwei...ypeng.. meifong.. moon.. skwan.. pui sun.. chua sia lian.. (such a long time dint see u guys.. =~)
Many things had happen since the begining of jan.. family.. frens.. work.. where i really dun hav a time to think of others... and there's too many things i nid to think of.. of how am i going to do for my company... for my dad... for my family.. and of coz.. all of these also for my own..
im not dare to think of others things.. mm.. u can say i haven prepare for all these.. or i dun wan to be prepare for these.. or i dun have such mood to be in this.. or mayb i cant found someone to let me prepare in this.. im really sorry.. after read ur blog.. mayb i cant b ur fren again.. mayb i owe u too much.. wat i can say to u.. is still thanks n sorry.. im such a selfish person.. plz.. forgive me.. im such a slow person.. n i really hope u can happy alwiz.. or.. i should keep myself away from u.. if u wish to..
mmm... suddenly dun knw wat to say anymore.. =
anyhow.. to all my frens.. i miss u all.. and take care!!
Life goes on... Forget what u shouldnt remember.. Remember what u shouldnt forget...
Love u guys..
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Walau errrrrrrrr...

i dun knw where to start it.. as.. when i wan to do A.. B problems coming up n i nid to solve that B 1st... when coming back to A... another C come up again... omg..
and i hav no such mood to going back to A again nw....
omg omg.......
then.. why im so free to blog now??
bcoz im damn fed up with my table with all those messy little things...
= =''
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
发现自己的时间大多在车上。。。天啊。。只是在车上就花了我两三个小时。。吃饭两小时。。上网分心了一小时 (这是一定要的啦。。不然我会枯死 )。。工作时间只剩三小时。。。哈哈。。。
公司的人事上,有了些变动。。。还需要些时间适应。。。希望她是我们要找的那一位。。还有尽快找到Designer 的人。。因为。。。。。我真的不是万能的!! 虽然我没做什么大件事。。还好那些该画的。。之前都画好。。我只需要改一些些。。或者是一些比较简单的。。。
人。。。因梦想而伟大。。我。。。。还找不到我的梦想。。还是该说。。还不确定我的梦想。。三年。。。再给我三年吧。。。呵。。有没有太快了些?? 可是三年后。。我已经二十七岁了!!!!!! 岁月不饶人丫。。。
表哥说。。我的部落格里都是情情爱爱的事。。。才不呢!!!! = P
我说你啊。。有时别太嘴硬。。和女友的家人相处好些才最重要呢!! =D
猪仔,猪女们!!! 加油啊!!!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Big Wheel...

hmmm... year 2007.. "visit malaysia year".. read from news paper, alots of promotion, advertisement.. n bla bla bla.. have been do, did, or done by government for this year.. but there's only one things i interested... hehe... tadaaaaaa...
Went to titiwangsa last friday nite, before its launched... many ppl there.. watching rehearsal of dancing...
must be romantic if "hang" on the air at nite... wa wa wa... ( of coz.. must b couple.. k)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

然而。。随着07年的开始。。。身边总算有个好消息。。。有个朋友向心议的另一半表白啦。。哈哈。。。看着我的部落格。。会不会是你?? 哈哈。。
Monday, January 01, 2007