Monday, July 31, 2006
出外吗??? 看见全都是情侣。。。噢。。。好应景哟。。。
嗯。。。。。。可是没钱呐。。。 ><”
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Old Lady...
im still in my office.... without doing anything.. hahaha.. ermm.. jz click here n there on the website.. and save something which i THINK could be useful for my appointment with client tomorrow.. *popi popi*...
and click on frenster.. look for fren's latest update n blah blah blah.. i seldom do so.. but.. i jz too free.. hehe..
mm.. n there's some who age only 18. 19.. omg.. so young.. n mine.. is aledi 23.. opss..
suddenly feel myself so old to them... am i?!
what was i doing when i was 18.. 19? haha..
probably playing mirc n icq.. haha..
nothing much to think when i was studying.. and time flies.. there's goes my study years and i graduated...
and now.. im sitting in front of pc in my office.. n doing nothing.. hahaha...
work.. everyone needs to work.. for money.. for lives.. for responsible.. for family.. for themselves..
yet.. im 23.. still have 24 which coming soon.. 25, 26,27,28, 29,30..40...50.. 60..
ooo.. couldnt imagine how am i look like when im 30 years old.. haha..

ermmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. what i am doing here?!!! i've no idea..
dun have such mood to work oso... jz sit... type.... then think.....
think of??
mm... what im doing for all these... getting tired of working...
tired of ppl who bugging me for payment.. no matter what kind of payment.. its will come to me.. all type of bills..
tired of ppl who bugging me for samples.. for cheaper price... for delivery... for quoatation.. for production..
tired of ppl who very fake and fact to tiz world.. jz like two head snake.. ( in cantonese )
tired of cleaning up my table again n again...
tired of smiling in front of the ppl whom i dun like..
tired of answering calls...
tired of doing paper work...
tired of issue cheque...
tired of make calculation for products...
tired of DIET as well...
but da..... i will never getting tired of sleeping... hahahaha..
take a deep breath.. life goes on... Gambateh!!!!
Love ppl around... Love urself... Love myself..

Erm... a tradisional japanese style restaurant..
Nice Sushi.. Nice teppanyaki.. Nice Dessert ---> "Mouci" or "mochi".. Nice oyster..
NICE! ^^
Nothing much to say ler.. bcoz i forgot to bring my hp out.. n cant take pic on those tasty food.. ><"
I like the way they fold the 餐巾 (napkin???) its look like a small kimono.. very cute..
Tq Mr ng arh. altho i dint eat much.. or mayb u eat too many.. hahaha..
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Got many type of print.. rubberise.. or water base print.. and what i take in photo.. the progress of making a water base print..

Secondly.. mix with those color... like yellow.. green.. red... ... ... .. doesnt it looks like mango sorbet?!! hahaha..
this is green lor... half way to stir...
if the color not right.. then they will add in another color.. like... yellow with blue bcome green... then tiz one.. they wan to get lime green color.. so they add in orange..
This is what i mention earlier.. a BLOCK.. this block is for fushia color...
Ding..... fushia color part.... then so on with other color.. green.. blue and yellow...
This is the printing larrrrr.. nice bo??? redang feel.. hahaha..
This is not "GOLD".. hehe.. impossible i play on my hand rite... jz i too free and play around with colorss.. haha... blue.. yellow...bcome green.. then add another red.. bcome dark purple.. then add yellow again.. muahahahaha.. ^^
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Dinner with Mei Ling

GO - means the place in which the King lives
YA - means a shop in Japanese culture
Hoho.. yesterday having dinner with mei ling at Jogoya.. its a japanese buffet She treat me oh.. hoho.. soooooo nice..
TQ Tai Sou one more time...
why?? ermm... bcoz...... she will get her commision marr.. hohoho.. she is top sale now ler... i oso cant fight with her.. kaka..
yesterday story...
Around 5 something.. come out from her house.. to KL.. to our destination.. haha.. No traffic jam all the way.. until near star hill there.. Our reservation is on 6pm.. Reach there ngam ngam..
then.. two SUA KU.. dunno which floor jogoya located at.. haha.. then call fei pin to confirm.. mana tau... itu ng fei pin.. she said she not sure which floor it is.. omg... (kaka..)
Of coz.. we found it.. hehe.. After pay.. then v go in loooooooorrrrr..
At 1st.. the waitress arrange us to sit at place where front, back, left and right oso got ppl.. after we take 1st round of food.... we decide to change place.. hahaa.. its not a corner place.. but its separate with other.. and the place only fit for two person.. haha.. its more comfort for both of us eat... n tok... wont let other ppl see how ugly we eat mar... and oso we take photo mar.. haha.. its look stupid if gt ppl around us.. and v keep on take photo.. hahaha..
this crab oso nice.. ^^
1st round.. we took all type of tempura... then.. order a crab... and oso take food at the BBQ corner... yummy yummy... there's nothing to say about it.. hehe.. 1st round de food haven finish.. i go take oyster... mmmm... yummy oso... hoho.. i ate two.. mei ling ate one... coz there's many things there to eat ler... 2nd round is the coool side... all those sashimi.. (those which is not cooked) but... we dint eat much... mayb its not suit to our... "wai hou".. 3rd round.. some small dish at the chinese food corner... a soup where fei pin recommend... but... i think i ordered the wrong one.. bcoz.. tat got mee inside de borrr... and there's so many type.. me n mei ling not able to taste all ler.. but that soup not bad.. and another soup mei ling took is chinese style de.. very nice oso... n tat siu long pao... fei pin.. i gt eat ohhh.. hehee.. oso softshelfcarb.. ichiban!!
from the second round food... v aledi started to waste food... haha.. bcoz.. very full aledi.. and some of them... not really taste good.. =P we dint took any food from indian corner ler.. haha.. mayb bcoz all is spicy..
Mei Ling very like the coconut water.. she took 3... omg..
then... is fruit ar... ice cream lor... sooooooooooooooooo full.... Mei ling say.. this meal is a meal for her to tahan till next wedn.. hahaha.. because of eat too full.. mei ling say go walk walk.. then finally.. saw the food she wan to eat from the begining until tat time.. then she ordered.. oso ordered another is "big LALA".. then we only able to wait the food tat mei ling want.. and we really very full... then we leave.. haha.. stupid mei ling..
After that, we go to kl plaza to walk walk.... then i realize my ring gone~~ so nervous that time.. bcoz i 120% sure i got wear that ring out today.. then we walk back to star hill.. think of going bck jogoya to look for it... then... mei ling bery smart & investigation de brain... take back the camera.. n look back the photo we took.. from the photo... i dint wear the ring after we come out from toilet... haha.. then only search carefully in my beg... oooo.. thanks meiling (god).. my ring inside my beg... phewwwwww.. luckily..
after that.. we jz straight go to car park.. take car n go home lu... bcoz her anata ask her to come home n wait him worrrrrr..
Having a great nite with mei ling.. fei pin was asking me.. why only me n tai sou going... why my bro dint go.. ermm... dunno why ler.. me n mei ling very fren.. hahaha.. she very frendly.. n fai fai dei.. hahahahaha... she's cute.. among my bro de gfsssss har.. she the one i like the most ler.. kaka.. mayb very ngam keng.. haha..
wait so long for the photo to upload... =.=
upload it tmr.. hehe... good nite everyone...
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Freecell Game

I used to play this game when I am “bo liao” in office or home…
Hmm… I think everyone know to play this..
But for me.. there’s some other meaning than just fill my free time…
And that meaning is same to my father… hehe.. why??
Because for him… he will play continuously three games.. and that three games representing his problem in that day.. if he able to WIN the game.. that means all the problem will not be a problem for him.. hehe.. funny.. isn’t?
Maybe because of what he said.. and I’ve influence by him..
When I on my pc.. and I will start the game as my 1st work in that day…
if I able to finish it.. I will b “an xin” or can say more happy to work…
I will b frown if I couldn’t finish that 1st game… and I will try one or two or three times until I finish that game.. then only I can work HAPPILY..
It’s a weird habit… I believe everyone have their own habit as well….

And this is what I call as my satisfactory of my day.. ^^
Friday, July 21, 2006
i woke up around 8am.. and...... im late again...
using 10mins to prepare myself.. haha.. u can imagine how messy i am...
then go out to office...
Then..... my room de air-con is not working liao.. the compressor cant work aledi.. sighhh..
then my room is damn hot.. somore got two pc inside.. and one photostate machine...
and......... the ventilator ( tiz word i ask two teacher --> lex n ziqiang only i know de.. hahaha ) oso spoilt liao.. cannot move...
omg.... but luckily big boss aledi ask ppl come n service liao.. should b not problem gua.. the compressor i think will change lor.. dunno how much ler..
mm.. now using fan only.. o_o" damn hot lor.. somore i wear long sleeve today........ but short pants.. hahaha..
feel sleepy again liao..
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wake up around 8am.. no wash face.. no brush teeth... no change cloth... then go out to fetch worker to factory...
After open the door... then jz drive back to home..
Wash face.. brush teeth.. change cloth... im tired... ysterday too late sleep.. n i go back to my warm bed to have a little sleep... hahaha.. n awake around 9:20am..
Opss... mm.. why do i only sleep one hour huh... hahaha...
Luckily big boss not here today.. else.. i will die very badly...
Looking on those credit card discount voucher.. im wondering.. how many ppl would take these voucher n go for the shop to having the discount.. ermm.. if u r the regular customer.. then its ok... If you're not?!!
and the most important terms and condition that stated on all voucher that is... All payment must be made with XXX credit card.. or XXX platinum card..
Oh ya.. i saw one discount voucher can b use at shangri-la hotel.. BUT.. its need a platinum card...
mmmm... will my dad go there to have his dinner?!!! o_O
Do you?!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Now is 1pm.. if i went out jz now.. mayb im having lunch with fei pin... Or mayb very tired when bck to office...
But.. from morning till now.. i jz sit in office.. cut some fabric sample.. then.. keep on clean up my table.. but its like never ending.. bcoz ppl keep on put the sample, paper, document on my table.. haha..
mm.. nt tat bad.. bcoz my tai sou jz come bck n buy some cheese tart to eat...
oh ya.. why am i in office?? i should b at my customer side at 11am.. BUT.. my customer nt in office.. luckily i called her assistant in the morning to confirm whether she is free or not.. and she telling me the buyer went out to other store... Duhhhhh.. and the buyer totally forgot she had an appointment with me.. urghhhhh..
Tat's y i stay in office to cut fabric lor.. hahaha...
mmm... i wrote a post oso use 2 hrs.. haha.. omg omg.. jz now almost forgot n disconnect the connection.. haha.. luckily dint close tiz window...
n luckily jz now my customer call up b4 i went out.. i should going around one something to sg buloh.. and might nt b back at 3pm.. i make the appointment with them at 3pm.. Hahahaha.. then they came earlier.. in case i cant rush back at 3pm..
soo many lucky today huh...
phewwwww.. altho doing nothing.. bt feel tired..
feel like going movie lor.. hahaah.. coz tonite dint go anywhere.. keke...
see see what my fellow says 1st..
Sunday, July 16, 2006
真的有天长地久。。。真的有海枯石烂吗 ???
当 “试用期” 过了。。你发现自己还是没办法接受他/她。。。那。。。对他/她来说。。这是优待,还是伤害。。因为。。你有尝试过去接受他/她。。。但是。。你在浪费他/她的时间, 也包括了自己的时间,他/她的感情。。。
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
One door closed, another open.. But we take long time to look ... n @#$&.. ( dunno wat wat n wat... ) regretly on the closed door. And we never look at the door which is open...
erm.. tat "Teacher" said.. tat's when we face failure.. doesnt mean there's the end.. but there's alwiz another opportunities we can look or go for.. But sometimes ppl will only look at the past.. but forgot there's another things/oppurtunities waiting for us..
Bery Bery Bery true de phrase nehhhh.... what you think?!!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Its saturday again..
Later need to go out with moon to buy fong fong de birthday present.. Lazy to drive aledi.. i think better take KTM then change Monorail go to Sg Wang.. Everywhere traffic jam.. Save money save time.. hahaha..
Aih.. Blanko again..
Cant think of wat i can do...
I should do something... when my dad is around.. i will b aware of that.. but when he is not around.. i totally blank out.. jz like tiz -----> 0_0 then i will only sit in front of pc... typing and clicking.. dahhh...
My sis getting busy nowsaday... she cant accompany me all the time liao.. then some account stuff i oso need to learn to do.. aihhh.. sien arhhhhhhhhhhh...
am i able to????!!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Dint sleep well yesterday.. mayb worry bout company things..
And i dream about my customer.. omg.. what the... and its wakes me up.. haha..
Popi Popi.. today will b a good day..
Wish you all have a good day as well..
Sunday, July 02, 2006
嗯。。。怎麼說。。。是她自私得很出面。。。還是我自己心機重 ?? 不應該醬想她。。。可是。。。。。我越來越發覺。。。。她真的有點自私。。
“人不為己﹐天誅地滅” marrrr。。。
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Another month again..
repeat-ing the same thing.. again and again... again and again..
but seems like i didnt learn anything yet.. learn to manage more things even though im not around the office... learn to prevent something wrong... learn to make things perfect...
Hmmm.. make some wrong calculation.. ermm... my estimation alwiz nt as accurate as my dad did... errrrrrr.. bt he never check the calculation i do larr.. mmmmm.... ]=Aza Aza!!!