Saturday, December 31, 2005
Last day.....
很謝謝他們的好。。小女子無以為報。。也不能以身相許。。pai sehh。。。
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Bye bye 2005...
不能用” 再見” ﹐因為人生中只有那麼一次的2005年。。
在這一年﹐你做過些什麼? 發生過什麼事?? 不愉快的。。開心的。。傷心的。。遺憾的。。都不能再重來了。。
很想把我的”部落” 換一下。。。可是。。。我又害怕改變。。。哈哈。。。
我就顯掉。。。。。。。。最討厭做的東西沒有儲存到了!!!! >_<~
p/s : 看幾時有空。。。把我的”部落” 改變下。。。。” 看” 啦。。。哈哈。。
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
do u ever heard of the purpose of writing a formal letter to let the company driver go out the distribution centre?!
ahaamm.. n i did.. OMG...
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid.. the goods is nt yours.. and u r suspect that they take ur goods... s.o.b s.o.b..
r u really ok? or really eat too full.... and what is the time aledi.. 6 something.. ppl wait there from 3 something to 6 something.. and tot can go back n hav a good rest n dinner.. and u nt letting him out... wat the.... and u somemore wan tiz wan that... if that company aledi closed after 5:30pm? then?? the driver will need to stay overnite there?? omg.. wat kind of company system n rules is that... R U OK?!?!!!!
King of Kong

haaaa... go watch thiz movie yesterday nite.. a long story.. but with comfortable seat.. kaka..
how comfort? ermm.. its gold class seat.. haha.. go n buy on saturday... actually wan to watch last weekend.. but fully book..
3 hrs movie... its the 1st time i watch in gold class cinema.. there's only 24 seat i think..
two ah beng n ah lian still go outside line up n buy popcorn in.. wahaha... inside hav a small food bar.. order there.. then the ppl will send in.. haha.. what to do.. 1st time mar... haha..
the seat is nice.. can lay there n enjoy the show.. and very cold inside.. there's a service provided.. "Rent Blanket" service.. u can rent there by paying rm5.00 . o_O~
movie start.. quite boring at the begining... and very "qi kek" coz watching those dinasour chase here n there.. and i think.. they r damn stupid. n weird.. there's so many "Food" in jungle.. wat for they jz chase Ann to eat?! haaaaaaaaaaaa... damn stupid rite.. n the human so small... will they b full with tat?! n... the insect... ooooooooooo.. so many n so big.... >_<~ geli...
then they hav "kidnap" king kong to city.. king kong can recognize human face.. feel angry when seeing the Jack n look for his "barbie doll" haha.. can i use tiz to describe? mm.. i would think.. y does king kong only protect Ann but nt the other "gal" in the jungle. haha.. mayb he like ppl who nt same color with him... hahaha...
then.. king kong dead... n Ann n Jack hav a happy ending.?! mm....... no comment..
i do think its a touching story.. with too many computer effects... haaaaaa.. wat do u think?!
never seen the original King Kong.. anyone?! got the VCD?? can borrow?? or comic??
Friday, December 23, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Sticker Photo...

My 1st bday present.. received on November something.. haha.. the earliest present i get..
thank you Mr. Ng.. haha..

hm.. tiz i received on 12/12/05
my Tai Sou give me de... i think.. my bro oso got pay for that gua... ( or mayb tat's paid by my bro) Hahaha...
Its same with the 1st.. bt... different ppl send marrrr.. thank q tai sou n tai lou....

this is from my frenssssss in inti ar.. for those who dint saw what you PAY for.. haha.. tiz is lar..
thank q.... fpin, lala, lisan, chgee, yeehow, foosy, hockyeong, kenneth, jialing, likcheong and alex lee.

This is the great job by Mr. Lai.. end up in my room dustbin... Haha...

this is the SUPRISE by MR. Tan i mention in previous blog.... its sent to my office..
before that mr Tan has asked me few times my office address.. and i remember he has asked me long time ago.. but i didnt suspect anything bout that.. and finally.. i knew it by 15/12/05.
and thanks for that suprise..

A Meal of "Sai Lap Kuan Tun" Thanks for the cake n meal at Sakea, the curve.. Cheers.. ^-^

Another "Gift" from Mr. Lai.. Thank you thank you.. can still remember i asked bout tiz product last time.. i almost forget.. haha..

these.... from Mr. Ng. Thanks for thingssss on saturday.. i have a great day.. other than tq.. i really don knw wat to say liao.. THanks again..
Heeeee.. tat's my present i got thiz year... and of coz.. my lovely ji mui oso accompany me for a meal at "the ship" and... surely soon will get my present from them lar.. haha.. thanks gals.. and candy ar.. long time no see u lar.. giv us some time to see u lar.. take care ya...
Thanks again for all buddies.. Muacksss..
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
__________@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@
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__________@@______@@@___@ @@
** Flowers for you all... Best Wishes for u... ^-*
p/s : sponsor by cming
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Its 15th December....
mayb abit lazy to write things..
heeee.. today is 15th december... nothing much.. its my bday.. hahaha... ( abit stupid telling ppl tat's my bday ya )
feel very happy oso.. yesterday nite very tired, watch movie and dinner at klang.. then back home... i reach home almost 12.. then my fren calls.. and sms in.. thank q thank q...
there's one "eat too full" person... giving me one present with empty box... OMG.. mr. La*.. u really eat too full ya... wrap with so many newspaper.. and end up empty box.. no wonder u so happy when showing tat present lar....
5:51 am.. i woke up awhile.. and i saw my sms with 8 new messages.. haaaa... with sleepy eye.. simply see who has send me sms.. then fall asleep again.. haha..
happy for that.. i doesnt expecting too much for this year bday.. ermm.. why?? this year.... mmm... .. ......... and wat i've received.. is more than my expect.... "gan en" ^-^
thanks for my buddies again... thanks for your wishes...
i wish you all alwiz happy and healthy...
ahammmm... and having a SUPRISE from my fren MR. T**.. okok.. thank q very much..
nearly heart attack for that.. thanks anyway...
p/s : were to upload the photo taken in my house with the cake.. bt... there's some problem when uploading.... mmmmmmm.. wondering why...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
-_________-" polis?! polisi?@_@
the p*lice come to my office... firstly.. the designer ask.. whether they will check on the OS or software of the pc.. i tot they coming for trouble or money something.. shock me...
after a little talk with my sis... they are actually ask for t-shirt sponsor...
huh... t-shirt sponsor?!!!! mmm.. make sense?! mmm.. okok.. make sense...
urrhhh.. omg.......
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
the date for change RM 1 coins aledi expired..
huh.... so sad....
anyone wan to keep?? plz change from me..
s.o.b s.ob... why no people remind me...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Its December...
so fast.. one month pass again.. seems like everythings is still da same.. i dint manage to change bad habit of mine ----> LAZY
haha.. lazy of what?! mm.. lazy to think... lazy to explaining b*llsh*t.. lazy of making changes.. lazy of everything.. except eat.. and sleep.. haha..
monday.. tuesday.. wednesday... thursday.. friday.. saturday.. sunday.. and come again monday... so fast.. why have god created seven days a week? why not eight or nine days.. where the 8th n 9th is oso a rest day?! haha.. ya ya.. i knw.. im thinking too much..
its 11:55am now.. my mind is quite a mess... why?! erm.. bcoz i cant manage to do something which should b done earlier... mmm... n i start thinking n thinking.. what should i do to make tiz done.. but.. in the end.. i come to tiz blog without any solution..
and the reason of no solution. is bcoz my lazy-ness.. haha..
Its the 1st day of december.. i tot everything should b good n nice.. the mood is jz nice.. but the things is jz ... ... ... ... and tat's makes my mood oso moody abit.. bcoz of some incidient.. i don like to argue with ppl.. especially ppl who really stubborn.. they alwiz stand for their point of view.. and at the end.. im the one who surrender.. and i would like to choose silent for those things.. bcoz tat's nt wat i can control.. stubborn is still stubborn... stupid is still stupid.. urghh...
December is my favourite month.. haha.. why?? u.. U... u.. or YOU.. know why?? heeee.. people who knew me should knw ya.. else.. u can go "langgar" wall.. haha.. altho is my favourite month.. but oso a month where i spend lots of money.. kaka.. should b a lovely month.. but the 1st day of it.. i already moody.. ~~~>_<~~~
make a wish.. make a wish... *******wishing the coming days in december will b nice n smooth...
hmm.. pray for u all as well.. ^-*
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
“想念你的微笑 一夜睡不着
对你够不够好 我都不知道
但我做的一切 只想得到你拥抱
你是我的宝 我是你的依靠
多想和你一起 手牵手走到老
你是我的宝 我愿让你依靠
一生一世陪着你 到天荒地老。。”
我们 才太过健忘 来不及珍惜 徒增了悲伤
是谁 习惯了对方 才让平淡 推翻了过往
从今路不再一样 未来不再能分享
曾给的承诺 却还在心上
若你面向下个夕阳 迎接幸福光芒
回过头我永远 会在身旁
我们 曾后悔失望 争执的借口 太冠冕堂皇
我们 曾遍体临伤 失去了交集 也失去方向
是谁 习惯了对方 才让平淡 推翻了过往
从今路不再一样 未来不再能分享
曾给的承诺 却还在心上
若你面向下个夕阳 迎接幸福光芒
回过头我永远 会在身旁
不用再害怕 因我们踏着 相同的步伐
陪伴你流浪 我的爱捧着你
往自由 去飞翔
若你面向下个夕阳 迎接幸福光芒
回过头我永远 会在身旁
前方的你永远 在我心上

那感觉实在是。。。 。。。。。。。。。嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯。。。赞!!帅!!酷!!
哈哈。。。 超开心!!
Monday, November 21, 2005
when things goes wrong....
yes.. i need to bare the consequences! bt.. if all the way.. from the start.. till now... how many lose i have cause in tiz company which is nt easy to found out.. bcoz.. the things redo have no records... n from my memory of start work.. i keep on asking myself.. why problems only arrise in your order.. bt not others?!! i will only answer myself.. tat's nt ur luck.. nt ur day.. even nt ur year.. childish.. isnt? bt i know... the problems is on myself... if the supplier were to send wrong things to u... IF you have examine before you pass to production.. then everythings will b fine.. n tat's the only things which makes me blaming myself.. which bring loss to tiz company..
everytime.. the problem arrise... i will try my best to lower that consequences.. at least.. if money can settle.. or production can redo.. BUT.. in the end.. its cause "invisible" loss.. terms of manpower.. time.. and capital.. which SHOULD NOT arrise... n DAMN IT.. i really don like tiz kind of things... but still i need to admit wat i've done.. altho the problems can b solve.. bt still there's LOSS..................................
in the end... i need re-think how the work can b done without problems... mayb pray hard hard will do..?!! mayb.......
pray for better tmr.... cnee..
wat a day....
i...i...i...i... jz cant breathe.. OMG.. can anyone giv me some oxegen...
learn learn learn n learn... i dun understand... why things is alwiz nt good for me...
can anyone tell me?? wat i've done to cause all of these....
im Sales... so?? bt why do i need to bother bout production thingys?? n why why why why why... all the things is messs.... and surely... get complain from customer... n need to face tat stupid idiot customer face... giving special offer... go all the way to customer side without payment...
F*ck.... urrhhhh... i wan to kill myself.......
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
mm.. don know wat am i doing oso.. looking all those bills... mmm.... now only i realize.. my brain really nt suit for accounts... s.o.b...s.o.b.. haha.. why november bills is pay on december??!! bt how come another bill is pay on november??? mmmm... how come sooooo many bills... aih.. my dad going to come back today.. sure he will bubble again about the account thingys.. OMG OMG..
mmm.. now getting sleepy... 0_O
Thursday, November 17, 2005
ohhhhh... i tot everything will b fine tim.. mana tau.. my dad follow wind again.. ooooh.. asking me n sis take all the account things.. OOo.. ermm.. i really nt familiar with those account things.. and really headache bout it... OMG OMG... aih.. im going off now..... to b continue........
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
own blog.. hehe..
yoooooo... tiz is the 1st blog of mine.. hehe.. i mean my own blog.. the frenster one is not bad.. bt its like ermm... the previous blog will be deleted... cant show in the blog.. so so.. i have decide to have another larrr.. haha.. so hope u guys when free can visit my blog anytime.. and feel free to drop me a comment oso can.. u...U...u....u... and U are bery welcome to do so.. k.. hehe..
hmm... bt tiz...... im nt sure whether it will delete previous post or not booooooh..... ermmm... hope its can lar.. haha.. coz i like to read the previous blog.. see what kind of stupid things i have wrote... hahaha...
mm... mayb bcoz of my mom.. i start loving purple color... haha..
okie... start my blogging day..
p/s : alamak.. the photo seems like too big... so i dint post it... ermm... why like very weird de blog design.. alamak......
cheers.. cnee..